Year:march-july 2009 / 9th semester of FA
Author:Nela Gottvaldová
Type of work: School studio project
Mentor:prof. Ing. arch. Helena Zemánková
Task:Finding new ways of barroque fortresse usage in the medieval town of Olomouc. Area includes protected buildings, forest park, botanical garden and rosarium (roses gene pool, mid-european unique) in bad technical state.
Design:Detailed analysis follows the design of fortresse restoration. Better connection to the city, better interconnectivity in the area (paths, bridges), new usage (functions) based on the location and context. The project includes restoration design of building called "big storehouse".

  • Info
    Year:march-july 2009 / 9th semester of FA
    Author:Nela Gottvaldová
    Type of work: School studio project
    Mentor:prof. Ing. arch. Helena Zemánková
    Task:Finding new ways of barroque fortresse usage in the medieval town of Olomouc. Area includes protected buildings, forest park, botanical garden and rosarium (roses gene pool, mid-european unique) in bad technical state.
    Design:Detailed analysis follows the design of fortresse restoration. Better connection to the city, better interconnectivity in the area (paths, bridges), new usage (functions) based on the location and context. The project includes restoration design of building called "big storehouse".

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